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Children's Ministry


First Kids

First Kids is an exciting worship service for children ages four through fourth grade and meets at 11:00 am in the first floor of the educational and youth building. Children worship God through music, choreography and Bible stories during this fun time on Sunday mornings! Register your child at the station under the pavilion.



AWANA club meetings are filled with positive teaching combined with games, scripture memorization, refreshments. It is a time to learn about the reality of God, the truth of the Bible and respect for our nation’s freedoms. Clubs meet Wednesdays at 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. during the school year. Clubs are for all children between the ages of 3 through sixth grade.

Sunday School for Children

Children’s Sunday School meets Sunday mornings at 9:30. Children are studying “The Gospel Project” literature. The purpose of these lessons is to teach children the basis for the gospel and the presence of the gospel in all of Scripture. Children learn a child appropriate lesson that corresponds with the lesson the adults are studying that day. This promote families discussing the lesson after classes are over.


Student Ministry



SixThirty3 Student Ministry (based on Matthew 6:33) is our ministry for students who are in grades 7-12. You’ll find that our ministry is made up of ordinary people who are passionately striving to daily live out the truth of that verse and we would love to invite you to join us on that journey!


SixThirty3 Student Ministry exists to CONNECT students and their family to the MESSIAH, MENTORS, and the MISSION for the glory of God.

We want to CONNECT teenagers and their families to (1) the MESSIAH who offers them forgiveness and eternal life; (2) MENTORS who can help them see what it looks like to follow Jesus in their daily life; and (3) the MISSION of God to make disciples of all nations. We do all of these things “for the glory of God.” Every event, teaching, or other part of our ministry is done to fulfill this purpose statement.


Sunday School

Our Sunday School classes for students meet in the youth room at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings. We are currently using a chronological, Christ-centered Bible study that examines how all Scripture gives testimony to Jesus Christ. We focus on what we believe; why we believe it; and how we can defend it.


The CORE meets on Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm. The CORE is a discipleship program designed to teach students the core doctrines of the Christian faith and how they can defend them in a world that is increasingly hostile to them.


ENCOUNTER is our worship service designed specifically for teenagers. We meet at 6:33 pm on Wednesdays and incorporate games, drama, media, music and a message designed to communicate biblical truth to today’s teenagers. Everything we do is an effort to create an environment where students can encounter the living God and be transformed by Him.


Twice a year, once in the spring (re:NEW Weekend) and once in the fall (Metamorphosis), we host a retreat designed to strengthen and deepen teenagers’ faith in Jesus. Students are given opportunities to engage in Bible study, worship, recreation, and fellowship for the purpose of developing more mature disciples of Jesus.


Every summer our students are given two separate opportunities to participate in taking the gospel to all people. Summer Mission Camp gives students an opportunity to take the gospel to our own city, while Summer Mission Trip gives students an opportunity to take the gospel to another city, state, or country.


All of this and there is so much more. You simply have to come and see for yourself! If you have any questions about specific events, please don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Joe!

College Ministry

College Ministry


We are all about connecting college aged students to Jesus! If you are between the age of 18 and 29 and are interested in being a part of a group of believers committed to growing in Christ and with one another, we would love to invite you to join us! 


We connect college aged students to Jesus through (1) Sound Biblical teaching, (2) Christ- Centered relationshipsand (3) Maturating discipleship.  



Get connected with us through our Wednesday night services and get ready to experience a powerful time of Worship, biblical teaching, and authentic fellowship.  Currently, we meet at 7:00pm inside the college room. 


Sunday School is our small group Bible study designed to promote intimate growth with Christ and form lifelong relationships with other believers.  Currently, we meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30am inside the college room. 


God has designed us to live in community. For this very reason, we are always looking for ways to meet and fellowship together.  For the latest updates on upcoming events please contact pastor Randy at (786) 368-9399 or call the church office at (305) 247-1662.


Check us out at our Instagram page: @fbch_college_career


Adult Ministry

Saints Alive Ministry (S.A.M.) is our ministry for adults, ages 50 and over. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at the church on the third Saturday of each month, 10:30am-1:30pm.


We would love for you to join us for our time of fellowship, food and fun! If you love meeting great people, playing games, laughing, learning, sharing, and growing in your faith you will love this ministry!

We do table and trivia games, some off campus and community service activities, and always have the best food in the State of Florida at our pot-luck lunches followed by a devotional time to hear the Gospel! 

Please come – share your years of wisdom and experiences with us. We would love to meet you and get to know you!


Music Ministry

Sanctuary Choir

Our sanctuary choir sings a variety of music from Southern Gospel to Contemporary and is made up of members age 18 and over. They sing at the 11:00 am traditional service.

Spanish Praise Team

The Spanish praise team leads music at the 9:30 am Spanish service. The music is contemporary with a Latin flavor.

Morning Glory

Morning Glory is our Sunday morning, 8:00 am praise and worship band. Practices occur every other Friday night. Members who play an instrument or would like to audition as a vocalist may set an appointment with the minister of music.



Acts 1:8 says “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” We believe that every New Testament church is to be on mission taking the gospel to their own Jerusalem (city), to the ends of the earth and everywhere in between. We accomplish this by…


Missions Support

We support the Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong Offerings for North American and International Missions, as well as the Cooperation Program of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Cooperative Program is our way of teaming up with 40,000 other churches to send over 10,000 missionaries to spread the gospel.

Mission Trips

There are various opportunities to take the gospel to other nations by means of a week-long mission trip. Our student ministry conducts a mission trip annually as well. To discover what opportunities are available, CLICK HERE.

Prayer Evangelism

We regularly ask our neighbors how we may pray for them. This often leads to opportunities to share the gospel with those who do not know Christ. Furthermore, we provide periodic training for members in using prayer to build bridges to the lost. Prayer evangelism teams minister in the communities Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons.

Homeless Ministry

We work with Chapman Partnership in providing a meal for approximately 300 homeless persons once a month. Currently, we provide lunch every fourth Thursday. We pay for the meal, serve the meal, offer prayer and distribute Bibles.

Prison Ministry

We currently work with Dade Correctional Institute to bring the gospel to over 1,500 inmates. Members lead a worship service at DCI every Sunday at 9:00 am. We also work with Homestead Correctional Institute every third and fourth Wednesday at 9:00 am to bring the gospel to over 600 female inmates. Training is offered several times per year (required by the state of Florida) for those who wish to serve in this ministry.

Bus Ministry

Our dedicated team of drivers makes it possible for families in need of transportation to attend Sunday and Wednesday services.

Jennifer, Missionary to the Middle East

Jennifer is our adopted missionary through the International Mission Board of the SBC. This means that we have made a covenant to pray for Jennifer and support her in her work. For security reasons, we cannot give Jennifer’s real name or the country where she is serving. Members at First Baptist receive more detailed information about Jennifer’s ministry and prayer needs. Weekly email “prayer grams” help out members stay in touch with what God is doing through Jennifer and how we can be a part.

Cuba Partnership

First Baptist Church of Homestead has a partnership with a “sister church” in Cuba, Iglesia Bautista Immanuel. Our churches pray regularly for one another. We send teams to teach, preach, encourage, lead and help. We have assisted in the planting over almost forty house churches, working towards the larger goal of planting fifty house churches within this decade.

Totonacan Project

First Baptist Church is partnering with a missionary and Bible translator to translate the entire Bible into the Totonacan language. The Totonacan peoples reside in the mountains of Mexico. This language is spoken by 770,000 people and so far has only portions of the Bible available.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

First Baptist Church offers a free English class on Thursdays at 7:00 pm. The ESL class meets in the first floor of the youth and education facility.

Nursing Home Ministry

We offer a worship service for residents of The Palace nursing home every other Wednesday at 3:00 PM.


Sunday School

Sunday School is our main venue for small group Bible study. Classes are divided by age, from babies to senior adults. Sunday School provides a place where believers and nonbelievers alike can gather around the Word of God. It is a place for honest questions and serious answers. The Bible is the primary textbook. Classes do more than study the Scriptures. Each class is a ministry unto itself, where members provide spiritual care for one another. You haven’t really visited First Baptist Church until you have been to Sunday School!

Sunday School takes place between the two morning services at 9:30 am. Come to the welcome center just through the front foyer to find your class. If you have children, we’ll be happy to escort you to their classes so you can see where they’ll be learning God’s Word.


Prayer Ministry


Prayer Room

The Prayer Room is available 24/7 to members of First Baptist Church. Prayer requests from our church family are posted, but most come from members of the community who ask us to pray. Cards are available to send notes of encouragement, or “prayer-grams.” We also post prayer requests from International Mission Board missionaries five times per week, so there are always recent requests in need of prayer. Prayer Room orientation is offered to those wishing to participate in the prayer room ministry.


First Baptist Church has a prayer line and it’s easy to remember. According to God’s Word, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week God hears us when we PRAY. Thus, (305) 24/7-PRAY is the number to call to leave a prayer request. We routinely receive calls from all over America from people who have discovered that we are a church who will sincerely pray for them.

The Prayer Team

The prayer team is a small group prayer gathering that is the backbone of our mid-week activities. This meeting is prayerful (most time is actually spent talking to God, not to each other) and Kingdom focused (we pray for the growth of God’s kingdom more than just physical needs). We pray for a different country or people group each week, as well as for specific missionaries and the requests they bring. We also pray for the needs brought to our attention by the church body. The prayer-team meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm.


Prayer-grams are the notes of encouragement we send for the many requests we receive. Participants receive weekly email updates listing the prayer requests. At some point during the week, they are encouraged to write and send a simple note of encouragement so that they will know someone was praying.

First Things First

First Things First is a monthly men’s prayer breakfast that takes place the first Saturday of every month. Men enjoy a quick meal and devotion, followed by a time of prayer for each other. Men leave refreshed and encouraged.

HOW can we pray for you?

If there is a need for which we can pray, click HERE.