If you are interested in any of the following trips, contact Pastor Howard at (786) 255-2048.


March 21-28

Flying into: Santa Clara

Staying in a hostel in Caibarién

Cost: $600

Maximum of SIX people per trip. Additional trips can be planned if enough people sign up.


Meet our missionaries and oversee the house churches they have planted.

Share testimonies in house churches.

Minister in an assisted care facility.

Minister to children and youth.

Bring a report to First Baptist Church of Homestead.



April 5-12

Flying into: Mexico City

Staying in a hotel in Amixtlan

Cost: Approx. $750

A minimum of FIVE OR SIX people are needed for this trip.



Accompany our missionary, Nicasio, and visit an indigenous people group.

Share your testimony and the plan of salvation in homes.

Help with evangelistic events in communities in which there are few, if any believers. 

Use sports and games (especially basketball) to attract young people to evangelistic events.

Bring a report to First Baptist Church of Homestead.



July 14-20

Cost: $500

Flying to Houston, Texas

Staying at Porter, Texas

From eight to ten people, bilingual preferred.



Partner to with local church to conduct Vacation Bible School amongst migrant community.



March 21-28

Cost: $1,260

Flying to Quito.

Staying in mission housing in Ambato.

This trip is for TEN people with medical experience. Additional translators needed.



Share the gospel.

Minister in a rural community with little access to healthcare.

Provide basic health exams, including bloodwork and blood pressure.

Provide dental services.

Distribute medications.

Provide eye exams and eyeglasses.




Flying to Dakar

Staying at housing with the International Mission Board

Cost: $1,800

This trip is for FOUR people.



Provide training and encouragement for church leaders. 

Deliver discipleship materials.

Build relationships with an unreached people group.

Deliver medical supplies.