Core Values

The Centrality of Prayer

Jesus established the church to be a house of prayer. (Luke 19:46) Therefore, we will not replace prayer with programs, making every effort to infuse our church and its ministries with prayer.

Total Evangelism

Jesus established the church to take the gospel to “all peoples.” (Matthew 28:19) Therefore, we will equip ourselves to take the gospel to our entire community, the ends of the earth and everywhere in between.

Compassionate Ministry

Jesus established the church to be a place where every member is a minister. (1 Peter 4:10) Therefore, we will equip every member to perform the ministry to which God has called them and give them the opportunity to carry out that ministry in love.

God-Centered Worship

Jesus established the church to glorify Him through worship. (1 Corinthians 10:31) Therefore, we will train disciples for a lifestyle of worship which focuses on God and our response to Him.

Authentic Fellowship

Jesus established the church to be a place of holiness and grace. (Ephesians 4:15) Therefore, we will teach God’s standards while loving those who fail to meet them.

Biblical Unity

Jesus established the church to be a place where walls of division are destroyed. (Colossians 3:11) Therefore, we will love peoples of all backgrounds while being accountable to the Lordship of Christ and the authority of God’s Word.

Maturing Discipleship

Jesus established the church to train believers to live in relationship with Him. (Matthew 28:20) Therefore, we will train believers how to maintain an active relationship with Jesus Christ that is based on the principles of Scripture and is demonstrated by a life that increasingly imitates the character of God.

We would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. First Baptist is filled with warm people who struggle, just like you, but who have had a life changing experience with Jesus Christ. Here you will find people of almost twenty nationalities, speaking different languages, yet coming together to worship a common Lord. 

First Baptist Church partners with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Florida Baptist Convention and the Miami Baptist Association. We also have a partner church in Cuba called Iglesia Bautista Imanuel.

First Baptist Church has adopted the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message as its doctrinal confession. To read this statement of our beliefs, click HERE.